Tuesday, November 26, 2013


Whakarongo mai Ki nga take o te iwi Māori Mai i te Kahui Maunga ki Tangaroa e This is Ngapua O Te Rangi Allen report experience from the Manu Korero Speech Competition in Stratford, whither Te Huarahi Maori Motuhake stand released a very important speech topic that states: Our ancestors apply their marbles and cognition to lay the mental hospital for future generations We go nowadays to one of the final speakers from Whanganui High School, me Our ancestors had splendiferous minds, we possess brilliant minds they were that brilliant, witty and wise that they navigated the vast expanse of seas from Hawaiki to Raiatea and at long last to Aotearoa. composition europiumans were still debating whether or not the man was flat, and were maladjusted nearly falling off the edge our ancestors already knew that the earth was round, because they were navigating it. wish well the amazing Kupe, who had visited every is background sort throughout the Pacific . While dauntlessly chasing the giant wheke, Kupe read the signs turn of events left to then land on these shores. Kupe laid the foundation for others to follow like Turi, Te Maunga-roa, and Manaia. Christopher Columbus who opened the Americas to Europe was called a great adventurer! Are you kidding me? Have you seen the size of it of the American Continent? How ticklish could it have been?
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America bare-ass Zealand Anyone who had gotten lost fishing could have found it! But Kupe make the impossible possible, he should be rightfully recognised as the greatest explorer ever. And the lofty Europeans respons e to natives beating them here wouldve read ! like a Tui beer ad: Maori. Drifted by accident Yeah right!! Our ancestors wisdom is in moemoea they built immense double-hull ocean-voyaging waka with sails! While the mighty Egyptians alone had slaves with oars! Our ancestors wisdom is in te Ao Marama they were navigating in the middle of the ocean reading the signs mapping wench migrations and stars; noting waves and cloud formations and changes in...If you want to realise a full essay, set out it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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